7 Reasons Why Social Media is a Good Thing

Seemingly everyone is on some form of social media nowadays. Whether its Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, or some other platform, social media has made an impact in a big way, and it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere any time soon.
As social media has grown from a mainstay on college campuses to a global phenomenon that now has a lot of us dodging friend requests from our parents or other elderly family members, it has certainly shown to have an ugly side. Cyberbullying, data theft, technology addiction, and the spread of misinformation are all very real concerns related to social media, but it is important to remember that it isn’t all bad.

In fact, there are plenty of reasons to be stoked about social media. Social media can be a wonderful tool when used properly and here are 7 reasons why:

  1. Connecting: It would be impossible for anyone to be expected to keep up with every person they’ve ever met on a daily basis. Truthfully, it would be downright irresponsible and probably lead to a lot of missed work or other such obligations. Social media allows you to keep tabs with friends and loved ones who might live far away or who are busy with their families or jobs. Social media allows folks to stay connected and up to date with the people in their lives more casually and gives people an easy way to communicate with said people any time they want.

  2. Networking: Professional networking is a major component of today’s workforce. Social media allows people to connect with colleagues, mentors, and even potential employers which can lead to career advancement or maybe even a new career altogether. The networking opportunities provided by social media can lead to collaboration with people in similar fields that could stand to be beneficial for everyone involved.

  3. Creativity: Social media affords people with creativity in their soul to show off their goods to a wider audience than they’d be afforded normally. Stand-up comedians, artists, musicians, and all sorts of other creative folks use social media to not only get their work out into the world, but as a means of seeing what other people might be doing for inspiration or perhaps the boost they need to get up and get to work. As these platforms have gained popularity, they’ve fostered a level of creativity that you’d be hard pressed to find an equal to.

  4. Community Building: In the days before social media, it could be difficult to find people who shared your interests. Maybe you were into Dungeons & Dragons or The Grateful Dead and if no one around you enjoyed those things, you might be stuck enjoying them by yourself. With social media, like-minded people have a quick and accessibly way to connect with others who share their interests and passions. A quick search can lead you to the promised land of a whole community of individuals who would gladly head to a show or make sure you never play another solo round of D&D again.

  5. Support and Encouragement: Social media, while taking a bad rap a lot of the time, can also be a source of kindness and support. Everyone goes through hard times and with social media connecting people all over the world, those hard times can seem a little less daunting when friends, family, and even complete strangers can offer words of encouragement when someone is in need. You never know how impactful just a few kind words can be for someone going through a tragedy or just having a lousy day.

  6. Awareness: With the world changing at a breakneck pace seemingly every few minutes, promoting awareness for meaningful causes is one way that social media can be used for good. Whether the cause is a personal one like trying to raise money for a sick loved one or a cause that has farther-reaching implications like animal rescue, social media platforms will get your message out quickly to a large audience.

  7. Information Sharing: While this could be considered a slippery slope, there is no faster way to get information into the world than social media. Keeping up to date with your favorite sports teams, musicians, or news outlets allows you to stay in the loop with whatever your interests happen to be. Video sharing also allows people with valuable or niche skills to show off what they can do with others who are interested. If you want to learn how to craft a chair, all you have to do is search for it on social media and you’ll be sitting on homemade furniture in no time.

At the end of the day, it is up to every individual how much social media they will expose themselves to and exactly what content they want to see. Is there a lot of negative things on social media? Absolutely. But there are a ton of good things too. Enjoy the good stuff, be conscious of the bad, and stick to the things that bring you joy.
