Be Real and Be Successful

Today’s marketplace is a living organism that is constantly evolving and changing. With the digital world playing a bigger role than ever before in day-to-day business and virtually everyone having access to the internet, it can be very easy to get lost in a sea of content creators, cute kitten videos, and off-brand sneaker sales. It can be especially hard for someone trying to make their way as a new business to get their brand out there and seen by the right eyes. That’s why it is incredibly important to be one thing when you’re dipping your toe into the proverbial digital ocean: authentic.

Being authentic builds trust with your potential customers or listeners or followers or whatever your target audience is. While we are being constantly inundated with ads and targeted marking messages, authenticity stands out like a beacon of light made up of honesty and integrity. When your brand is real, and you communicate earnestly, it shows a willingness to be transparent and reliable which in turn will earn you the trust of your target audience or customer. Earning that trust is worth its weight in gold and will ensure that you are seen as a valuable asset to those in your brand’s sphere of influence.

That trust that you’ve gained by being genuine with your followers will ultimately lead to brand loyalty. If you are designing sneakers, they will consistently come back to you when they need to buy sneakers. If you are creating content, they will be sure to watch or listen to what you put out and recommend it to others. Authentic brands will dependably deliver on their promises and continue to find meaningful ways to engage with customers.

Brands that are real with what they put out into the digital space set themselves apart by standing firmly behind their unique identity, values, personality, and tone. In a marketplace where services and products and companies can seem interchangeable and indistinguishable from one to the next, the brand that puts its most authentic foot forward will be the one that stands out. If your brand is real, you won’t just be selling products or services. You’ll be telling stories, creating experiences, offering lifestyle enhancement, and creating a bond with your customers that goes far beyond a transaction.

Perhaps most importantly, authenticity breeds more authenticity. When a brand truly connects with its audience, that audience is going to genuinely care about that brand and provide far more meaningful interactions, feedback, and insights that can help mold your brand’s future to ensure you are consistently and continually meeting the needs of your audience or customer.

Being authentic shouldn’t be considered a trendy way to attract followers or customers. It should be considered a bedrock of whatever your endeavors are in the digital marketplace. Being real with your audience should looked at as a fundamental pillar of your enterprise and will lead to trust and loyalty and will set you apart from the competition. By being true to your values, communicating with honesty and integrity, and forging genuine connections with your audience, you will create a lasting impact in whatever space you occupy with a loyal audience to back you. All it takes is a little authenticity.
