So, You Want to Start a Podcast?

Arguably the fastest growing medium for people looking to consume content is the podcast. Since the podcast was invented in 2004 and hit the mainstream in 2014, the popularity of the medium has continued to increase with some estimates putting as many as 250 million people in the “regularly listens to podcasts” column. With those kinds of numbers, its no surprise that more and more people want to get into the game. With a podcast available for virtually every taste or interest under the sun, podcasts are a great way for people to share their expertise, converse with interesting people about a myriad of subjects, or simply as a creative outlet. With millions of options to choose from, starting a podcast may seem like a daunting task. So, why start one?

First, it is a very powerful platform that gives just about anybody the opportunity to express themselves or tell a story. One of the great joys in life is being passionate about something and having a platform to express that passion to an audience with relative ease is a luxury the digital age has brought us that would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago. Podcasting as a creative outlet is a fairly simple way to maintain your passion about a particular topic and share that passion with others.

Additionally, podcasts offer a reach and accessibility unparalleled by any other medium. As smart phones have become less and less and luxury and more of a necessity in daily life, nearly everyone has access to podcasts at the tips of their fingers. As streaming platforms continue to get involved in the podcast game, availability has never been higher. By starting a podcast, you are taking your first steps toward connecting to a diverse global audience.

Speaking of connecting, podcasts are an incredibly valuable tool when it comes to networking and collaborating with others. With so many people able to access your podcast with what ultimately is very little effort, there is no telling who you are going to reach simply by putting your voice out there. Opportunities to work with other like-minded people or to converse with people who think differently than you do to create something truly unique will abound.

Lastly, podcasts can be an incredibly rewarding and even therapeutic endeavor. Whether the satisfaction of completing a compelling piece of content is what gets you motivated or you are looking to genuinely connect with your audience, creating a podcast is can lead you to a sense of personal fulfillment and accomplishment.
Creating a quality podcast isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. You may stumble on your way to finding your voice, but the juice very well might be worth the squeeze. If you are willing to put in the time and the passion it takes to connect with your listeners then podcasting is definitely for you.
